This is the Trailmarker You Need — Your Path Awaits

Whether you're navigating through uncertainty or advancing along a clear path, everyone benefits from a sign that they're moving in the right direction. Let's ensure your journey is headed towards success.

I'm Honored to Join Your Epic Journey!

A coach can transform your life—unlocking hidden potential and revealing new paths. Together, we'll discover parts of you that have been overlooked or are yet to be explored. We'll gain clarity on your direction and focus intensely on how you want to present yourself to the world. Having experienced the profound impact of great coaching myself, I am committed to supporting your growth. We all deserve an enriching life journey, and I believe coaching is the essential guide for any path you choose to take.

Certifications and Professional Memberships

Why Choose StackRise?

For centuries, cairns have guided travelers, standing as timeless beacons that connect the past, present, and future. These carefully balanced stone markers — each stone crucial to the stability of the whole — not only defy gravity but also symbolize a path marked and maintained through ages.

At StackRise, this ancient practice inspires our philosophy. The act of stacking represents our efforts and actions, while the rising structure symbolizes our purpose and direction. Together, they reflect what we each can achieve in our lives: building and balancing our actions and values to create a meaningful impact.

Just like a cairn, sometimes we must reassess and rebuild. But always, we are committed to moving forward, guiding each other in finding a way that leads to growth and fulfillment.

Ready to start exploring?

Let's co-create the perfect adventure together. Embark on a coaching journey that’s tailored to fit your unique needs and meets you exactly where you are today. Schedule a free 30-minute sample session to experience how we can work together to navigate your path to success.